Ever since Kareena Kapoor Khan has given a nod to star opposite ex-flame Shahid Kapoor in Udta Punjab, the Bollywood circuit is abuzz with several speculations. As we all know, Bebo and Sasha’s fairytale romance had witnessed a bitter end and the two weren’t seen sharing screen space post their split. But looks like the two are ready to bury the hatchet and start afresh with Udta Punjab.Rumours suggested that Bebo was responsible for Ayushmann Khurrana’s ousting from the film, who was set to be cast opposite her. The truth, however, is that the Haiwaizaada actor himself opted out of the film because of his date issues, and Bebo was rather miffed for being dragged into the whole scene. Well the actress can now take a deep breath and rejoice in the fact that she will be romanced by every girl’s dream man, Fawad Khan!
We hear that the Pakistani heartthrob has been cast opposite her and will be seen charming her with his oh-so- romantic ways. This is a rather interesting turn of events. We were hoping to see Kareena and Shahid reliving their Jab We Met chemistry on-screen but looks like Fawad has taken the spot. Shahid recently confirmed that he has signed Udta Punjab but said nothing regarding starring with his ex-ladylove Kareena!
The film also stars Alia Bhatt so we guess it’s a second inning for Sasha to charm his Shandaarco-star in the film. Kareena, Fawad, Alia and Shahid in one frame, this will be one hello’va film!
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